Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lucky Charms

What's on the iPod : Sing by My Chemical Romance

As if you didn't already know, I am a huge GLEE fan, and this year even more than ever. One weekend a few months ago, I decided to take a writer's break (yes for insanity purposes I must do this every once in awhile) and spent all day watching Oxygen's Glee Project. They were doing the marathon thing leading up to that night's finally. By the second episode, I was hooked...and rooting for Team Damian!
And even though some of the other participants were better versed in both acting, dancing and singing, I just loved Damian because no matter what the challenge, he took it on with the biggest grin and willingingness to do and try anything. He got's charisma and the Irish accent only adds to the charm.
So what does the runner-up (he actually didn't win the Glee Project, but even the producer of Glee had to give him 7 episodes) have to do with writing Young Adult fiction...probably absolutely nothing, and possibily the fact I just wanted his adorable face on my blog today, OR... it's about having charisma and the willingness to do and try anything and do it with the biggest grin on your face. Because deep down you're saying to yourself 'it's going to be worth it.'
So when you get that big fat 'R' keep smiling. When you don't sell to your dream publisher (I'm not admitting I might have said I wanted kiss the Simon & Schuster building for luck while in NYC this summer), keep smiling. When you get those revision notes/line edits from your editor and your entire books changes, keep smiling.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Bad Boy's Ride

What's on the iPod : Footloose by Blake Shelton

This week I thought I would continue talking about the Bad Boy. Why? Because I love a Bad Boy dressed in leather, a little bit longer hair, and rebellion oozing from them like too much Drakkar Noir.

Why not follow up with the Bad Boy's ride. He gets around, and I don't mean that in an innuedo kind of way, well okay, maybe. He's a guy that's driven by purpose and that purpose is usully dragging him some where. So how does he get from Point A to Point B? Let's examine those drool worthy modes of transportion becuase you'll find what the Bad Boy eases into says as much about him as his haircut (which maybe another post later down the line).


1.) Let's take a look first at Bo Brady's ride. Yes, it was a motorcycle.
Mr. Brady succeeded in kidnapping his future bride while she stood at the alter forced into marrying a man she didn't love and who was EVIL. Naturally, the rough-n-tough Bo on his brother's police motorcycle rescued Hope and took off with her on the bike, his mullet hair whipping in the wind and her veil trailing behind.

2.) At sixteen you'd think Jace Wayland would drive, well, something cool. But this shadowhunter is too busy killing demons and stuff and saving Clary to even remember to get his driver's license let alone have a car to drive. But he sure knows how to sweep a girl off her feet and off the roof of a vampire infested run-down hotel. In the Mortal Instruments City of Bones, Jace commandeer's a vampire motorcycle that can fly - all fueled by demon energy. And yes, it seems he's saving Clary's life as they plummet off the side of the building on the hot bike.


3.) After being seventeen for 101 years, you'd think Edward Cullen would drive that Astin Martin to school, but Noooooo. He drives the more sensible Stupid Shiny Volvo. But hey that Volvo says, please don't look at me, no look at me, now look away, I'm a ....teenage vampire, wanna be bad boy with a gold heart, cause you know it stopped beating at the beginning of the last century, but for you Bella I'd drive the Astin Martin to feel the thrum through my body the same way I would feel if my heart actually still pumped blood through my veins.

4.) It's no surprise that Stefan Salvatore also has a garage filled with shiny cars he could be driving but chooses not too. Granted he doesn't have to do much to impress Elena. He's a vampire too. And whether you're a fan of the TV show or the books, you know Stefan's at least 70 years older than Edward. Though, we rarely see Damon drive anything, maybe that's because he's really the Anti-Hero and they have their own set of transportation.


5.) I'm going to have to throw this in here, but James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser certainly falls into the Bad Boy category. He's an outlaw with a price on his head, he's got a pet name for his heroine(Sassenach), he's been a mercenary and he will lead men into battle. That being clarified, let's talk about that tall, red-headed Scotsman and his mode of gettting around. The horse of course. It's like the Eighteenth Century Motorcycle, though a little more smelly and tempramental. Jamie's horse is Donas, Gaelic for devil. And there's nothing more sexy than a burly Scotsman in a kilt astride a horse.

6.) I just finished reading the first Iron Fey book, and yes, the Winter Prince Ash is definitely a Bad Boy. For this ultra-cool, almost frosty, bad boy elf prince only a fey horse will do. In fact, not to spoil, but the first time we see Ash - and we all know that's who it is - he's out in the middle of a Louisiana bog astride a fey equine. And from that moment, we know it's all Team Ash!


As I consider this mode of transportation, I realize that the convertible may be reserved strictly for the Anti-Hero.

7.) My all time favorite, and perhaps the Godfather of Bad Boys, is James Dean. He only made three movies, but they were classics. In Giant, which is probably my favorite James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor movie, Dean drives an old convertible Model T. I think this picture says it all.

8.) One of my favorite characters in literature and film is Vicomte de Valmont. The unlitmate 18th Century French Aristocrat Bad Boy...goodness...he may even qualify as an Anti-Hero. But when he falls for Madame de Tourvel, he changes his ways, that is after he thoroughly destroys her because he can't handle his love for her. A couple of years ago, there was a modern version of Les Liaison Dangereuses that took place in an upscale Manhatten private school...Cruel Intentions. And befitting the suave lethario Sebatian Valmont was his exotic convertible classic Jag. Excuse me, can I get a ride...please!

9.) Back to Damon. Yes, Mr. I'm The Bad Vampire Brother does drive a convertible. And we know he is soooo devious when he pulls up in that baby blue- matches my eyes - convertible and smirks at Elena.
Those convertibles just say take my breath away, and my resolve because you're just soooo hot in that car!

Have any more Bad Boy Rides to add? Leave a comment!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Anti-Hero vs. The Bad Boy pt 2


What's on the iPod : Beat the Devil's Tattoo by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Last Saturday I posted about one of our favorite characters, the Bad Boy, and what makes him tick, that undeniable list of qualities that just about any bad boy I can think of has. Today, I want to address the misunderstood Anti-Hero and the possibility that he may be way badder and perhaps closer to our hearts.

What got me thinking about the difference between these two character types was a google search for a Han Solo character analysis. In a great post HERE from Saga Journal dated 2007, I could definitely see the author's explanation that Han is great example of the Anti-Hero and his arcing journey, one that so many more everyday people can identify with. Then I started thinking about other characters that could be classified as the perfect, lovable Anti-Hero and Captain Jack Sparrow came to mind, and Sawyer from Lost and Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Diaries, even Sonny from General Hospital.

So what are the pre-requisites for the Anti-Hero, you ask, well.....
1.) He's a pirate - in some shape or form. I'd even go as far as to say that mobsters could be classified as modern pirates.
2.) He owns a ship, has stolen a ship, or has won or lost his ship in a game of chance.
3.) He's a betting man and you can bet he's probably lost more than he's won, though nine times out of ten he did win his ship by betting.
4.) He, like the bad boy, has a pet name for the heroine/love interest. Sawyer calls Kate Freckles, and as mentioned before Han has several names for Leia like Your Royal Highness, Princess, and Sweetheart (all said with that underscore of sarcasm).
5.) His heroic deeds are fueled by a need to save their neck, save their stuff, or get a reward.
6.) They only think of themselves first, except when it comes to a beautiful - most likely in distress- damsel.
7.) He doesn't believe in hokey religions and nothing compares to a good blaster, flintlock pistol, or glock by his side.
8.) He's only out for numero uno and Numero Uno needs cash...cold hard credits or gold or anything salvaged from that downed Aussie flight.
9.) He's usually caught in his own con - and it's usually by the heroine.
10.) If he's in a love triangle for the heroine's attention, his competition is the do-gooder doctor, or his own vegetarian vampire brother, or the heroine's secret half-brother that's a jedi-in-training, but don't worry WE want the anti-hero to claim the heroine because he's had to work extra hard against his own devious nature to win her heart.
11.) Mr. Anti-hero is so insecure and selfish that he can't admit how much he likes the heroine, but he will bait and goad her until she admits it first, and usually he does this with increasing sarcastic remarks laced with innuendo. "Careful with the goods, love." ~Jack Sparrow.
12.) He's got a "furry" sidekick, whether in the shape of one tall Wookie or a rum sipping first-mate, and this lovable fuzzball side-kick tends to be the Anti-Hero's conscious.
13.) Have I mentioned the smirk?


So is the Anti-Hero a Bad-Boy or the Bad Boy an Anti-Hero? My personal opinion is that the Anti-Hero can definitely be a bad boy, but I think, the difference is in these Anti-hero's motivations. They're selfish first and through a connection with the heroine, or hero and friends, they change and realize that their motivations to be heroic stem from their desire to put other's first and that the reward of friendship and love is better than the solitary journey they were once on.
As for the bad boy if he's the hero then his motivations are more altruistic from the start. He just has a jaded past that perhaps shadows his actions and reactions, but his heart is in the right place to begin with.

So what are your thoughts? Any other qualities you think the Anti-Hero has? Leave a comment!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Bad Boy vs. The Anti-Hero part 1

What's on iTunes : Awakening by Switchfoot

Last weekend a Twitter conversation had me thinking all week. Author Gwen Hayes was reminiscing about the good ole days of Days...Days of Our Lives...and the resident 80s bad boys Bo Brady and Steve "Patch" Johnson. They were so bad that they were sworn enemies, that is until Bo's sister Kayla changed Patch for good. (Hence the reason I loved Patch and Kayla more than Bo and Hope). Days' resident bad boys were the epitome of the term. They rode motorcycles, carried switchblades, lived on boats and in lofts, kidnapped their love interests, fought dirty, and fell hard for their loves. In fact, despite explosions, death cruises, reincarnations, mysterious southern plantations, ect...these two rebels ultimately stayed with their loves - a huge feat in the world of soaps.
Awesome 80s mullet hair.
 After that conversation, I realized where my deep rooted love of the bad boy hero had sprung from - years of watching Days of Our Lives. In honor of my two favorite 80s Bad Boys Bo and Steve, I've compiled a list of Bad Boy pre-requisites...see if you favorite bad boy hero has any or all of them....(I know mine does as well as a few of my favorites like Jace Wayland)........

1.) Must drive, own or steal a motorcycle.

2.) Have unkept, a little too long hair that covers their eyes - to make them look a little more, well, secretive.
3.) Have possession of a blade in the form a dagger, switchblade, seraph blade, sword and know how to use it VERY well.

4.) Have a pet name for the heroine, for instance FancyFace (Bo's name for Hope), Sweetness (Patch's name for Kayla), Little Girl (Jace calls Clary this for half of COB), Sweetheart (Han's name for Leia - but we'll get to Han later).

5.) Sarcastic remarks are all they can think of when in a tight situation - usually the intense romantic kind.

5.) Have been or currently are a soldier, warrior, (shadow)hunter, or mercenary.

6.) The heroine calls them dangerous like it's a good thing.

7.) The hero has a jaded past that most likely includes killing things, ie demons, spies, imperials.

If you have any to add...leave a comment!
Now, this thought led to my next one. As I was thinking on my new character Orion, I realized that he wasn't the typical bad boy. He had been a knight, anointed by Arthur, but after centuries in captivity in the mythical realm of Avalon, he's more jaded, more cocky, and outright selfish. I started thinking of characters that had these characteristics....But I'll get to the anti-hero and why he may be even badder than the bad boy in part 2 next time......

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Welcome Home

What's on iTunes : Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation (Twilight Soundtrack)

Welcome to my new blog site. I'm still under construction, but you can catch up on old post from the old blog under OLD POSTS under the header.

***(Insert imagination in the shape of an awesome library, complete with stained oak shelves, burgandy and gold oriental carpets and a couple of overstuffed tan leather chairs) - you get the idea!